Author: Laura

  • Day 260 | Disturbing News the Day Before the Race

    A few minutes after I arrived at work this morning, I got a phone call from my doctors office. I had taken a follow up blood test on Wednesday and told them not to expedite the results (because I have to pay for the extra costs) since I knew what the results were going to…

  • Day 253 | Practice Half Marathon

    Day 253 | Practice Half Marathon

    This week I went back for a blood test on Wednesday to see where my HCG levels were at. I had had the previous blood test 2 days before I miscarried. My doctor called and said they went up, but not by much. They were at 1750 before, and now they were at 1800. If…

  • Day 246 | 12 Mile Melancholy

    Day 246 | 12 Mile Melancholy

    This has been a tough week. My husband and I went back to my doctor on Wednesday. My doctor was able to remove the IUD now that he knew where it was based on the ultrasound. He said the odds of miscarrying after removing the IUD were high, but it wasn’t an option to leave…

  • Day 242 | Running and Fertility

    I have been feeling a bit weird for the last couple of weeks. I have been running really slow on my long runs. I have had some pain where my leg meets my pelvis, which reminded me of round ligament pain from pregnancy. And on Thursday of last week I had a crazy head ache…

  • Day 239 | Hilly 11 Miler

    Day 239 | Hilly 11 Miler

    Today’s run was beautiful but definitely had the most hills I have ever run to date. I went by some water and some farm land. It was a good mix. I’m still running really slowly though. It took me 2 hours and 41 minutes to run 11 miles. I stopped at a campground along the…

  • Day 234 | My Adventurous Weekend

    Day 234 | My Adventurous Weekend

    My weekend was, for me in my own little way, an extreme sports weekend.  I ran 10 miles on Friday afternoon.  This was the first time I had ever done a double digit run and it was really exciting for me.  I ran a beautiful route along the water, which made it all the more…

  • Day 231 | 10 Miles and Rafting

    I have been sticking to my half-marathon training schedule pretty well, especially the long runs.  Last weekend I ran 9 miles, and this weekend I am scheduled to run 10. I have never run double digits before.   I’m a little scared but mostly excited. I have planned my route and will run Friday (tomorrow) afternoon.…

  • Day 215 | Losing Inches But Not Pounds

    I have heard that the saying “muscle weighs more than fat” is really just an excuse.  I don’t want to make excuses.  I am running farther than I have run in my life, and I am watching what I eat.  I am not currently drinking any alcohol.  And I am not losing any weight. I…

  • Day 214 | Running Has Changed Me

    I have been on a plateau for a really long time now.  I was depressed about it for a while and started to feel a bit hopeless.  But then I decided that there must be a way to bust through it.  I just needed to get refocused and not lose sight of my goal. I…

  • Day 211 | The Longest Run of My Life

    I went for a run this afternoon. It was a beautiful day. 72 degrees, blue skies with fluffy white clouds. The sun was hot but the breeze was cool. I ran and ran and just kept running. I ran 8 miles. I have never ran more than 6.2 miles (10K) at one time before in…