Day 7 | On the Seventh Day She Rested

After taking two high intensity classes this week, I took the day off from working out.  It was not a hard decision, as most of my muscles are still sore from Monday’s high intensity circuit training class, and will probably peak in soreness tomorrow from Wednesday’s high intensity circuit training class.

I will try to get in a run tomorrow.  And I have a scheduled run on Saturday morning as well.

I think from what I’ve read, my lack of weight loss is due to fluid being retained while repairing the muscle tears.  The tiny little muscle tears that will heal in a day or two but are causing quite a bit of discomfort today.   The tiny little tears that are the signs that I’m building new muscles.   Yeah, so they need some extra fluid to heal.  That’s cool.  I’ve still got a calorie deficit, I’m doing well.
Weight:  193.6
Running Total:  .5 miles
Calories Consumed: 1541
Calories Burned: 2285
Calorie Deficit: -744