Day 36 | Weight Loss Plateau Breaking Tips

I’ve been researching how to break out a the plateau I am stuck in.   I know it’s probably not really a plateau until my weight doesn’t change for a few weeks.  It’s only been a few days, so I really should just be patient and stop my complaining.  But I’m not really feeling patient.  I want to be thin by 40 and I’m going to do whatever it takes.

One easy (and fun!) thing to do to bust through a weight loss plateau is to mix up the daily calories.  They should remain the same for the week, but one day they should be higher.   The idea is that it provides a signal to your body that it is not being starved, so it doesn’t start stock piling fat to survive the “famine”.  It signals it that there is food, so your body will release the weight.

So today on my day off from working out, I ate a bit more than normal.  I was hoping to come in at an even calorie balance but I went over by nearly 200.  It will be interesting to see how this plays out.  Will I gain weight?  Will I lose weight?  Will I remain in the plateau?