Category: Blog

  • Day 208 | Little Motivations

    Day 208 | Little Motivations

    Sometimes it’s the little things that keep me motivated.  On my life list is living somewhere that I can run by the water everyday.  In mind mind I pictured owning a little cottage near the sea. I realized today that I can run near the water everyday if I want to do that.  My office…

  • Day 189 | New Goal New Focus

    My 40th birthday came and went this month without much fanfare.  I am well on my way to achieving my goal of being thin but I didn’t hit the date I had in my mind (my actual birthday).  I have been a bit down about it for the last few weeks but now I’ve decided…

  • Day 169 | Life Gets in the Way

    Sometimes life gets in the way.  My plans for this year included lots of time to go for long runs, and lots of free mental space to focus on what I was eating.  And for more than 4 months, that is exactly how it went.  I focused on what I was eating, and I ran…

  • Day 127 | Finding the Higher Gear

    This week I had an amazing, game changing workout.  I went to the boot camp class and felt strong throughout the class.  We did sprints in the parking lot between sets.  About 3/4 of the way through the class, I thought I was done.  I jogged the sprint and really felt like I had given…

  • Day 120 | Runner’s Knee

    I have self-diagnosed my knee pain as Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) or Runner’s Knee. I have a mild pain in both knees, near the top of the knee. I think a couple of factors have contributed to this injury. I was running in old, worn out shoes. I have tight hamstrings. I have been doing…

  • Day 116 | New Shoes Bad Knees

    I finally got to the running store today to get new shoes. I went to a running specialty store which guarantees the fit of the shoes. It was a neat process. First they watch you walk so they can see if you turn your feet out or in. Then you get onto a platform which…

  • Day 110 | Picking Up Trash for Exercise

    Today I spent my lunch hour picking up trash at my favorite running spot. It was part of the Earth Week events and I was happy to do it. It was a gorgeous day and I was happy to skip my usual running at lunch to make the area more beautiful. Some people running by…

  • Day 104 | I Need New Running Shoes

    Day 104 | I Need New Running Shoes

    Lately my knees have been hurting.  I have never had knee issues before and I’m not doing anything different or unusual.  We do lots of squats in my circuit training class, but I am super careful to keep my knees behind my ankles so not to injure my knees. I don’t know how to tell…

  • Day 95 | 3 Minutes off My Personal Best

    I ran the first road race of the year.  It was a 5K and I didn’t do any preparation in advance of the race.  I just woke up on Saturday and ran.  The crazy thing is, I ran 3 full minutes faster than I ever have before.  3 minutes, that’s nearly a minute faster for…

  • Day 91 | Running to Relieve Stress

    Today was a good example for me of how effective running is for relieving stress.  I was having a busy day but I still got out at lunch and went for a run.  I was using my blackberry to keep track of my time.  I was curious how fast I ran my first mile, so…