Day 110 | Picking Up Trash for Exercise

Today I spent my lunch hour picking up trash at my favorite running spot. It was part of the Earth Week events and I was happy to do it. It was a gorgeous day and I was happy to skip my usual running at lunch to make the area more beautiful.

Some people running by where I was working, stopped to say “thank you”. That was very cool.

What was also very cool was that I fit into the shirt I was handed, and I wasn’t remotely uncomfortable or self-conscious because the shirt was baggy! And I had more than enough energy to pick up all the trash I could find.

These are the very cool side effects of getting into shape. It may be challenging to get off my butt and run several times a week, but it all becomes so worth it on days like today. I got out and joined in with other people doing something worthwhile, and I enjoyed it completely.

Oh, and I burned an extra 250 calories as well.