Day 41 | Squats Are Getting Easier

It could be my imagination, but I swear squats were a little easier today.  And I did a lot of them.  Tons.

It is all getting easier.

And it is showing on my body.

I’ve lost nearly 12 pounds so far.  And I’m right on the border of the next smaller size.  I went to Goodwill today and tried on some size 12 pants.  They fit.  They didn’t look great, that’s still a few pounds away, but they fit.  I could button them and everything.  I even bought a pair because I could see that in a few weeks they will look fantastic.  I’m almost a size 12.  I am honestly not sure when I last was a size 12.  I’m guessing it was senior year of high school.  That was a long time ago.  That was nearly 22 years ago.  I have not been a size 12 in 22 years.  That is a crazy statistic.    I am weeks away from being comfortably entrenched in a size 12.


It is so worth the effort.

I am not going to rest easy in a size 12.  I’m thinking that ultimately I should probably end up at a size 8.    But I won’t know until I get there!  And this journey so far has been fun.  I love getting up in the morning and weighing myself first thing.  It’s like Christmas every day.