Day 38 | Surviving the Super Bowl Spread

So yesterday was the Super Bowl.  I couldn’t be happier that Paid-a-Ton Manning lost the game for his team.   Anyway,  I was worried about Football food and overeating.  So I took precautions.

My husband baked some chicken wings, and with buffalo sauce they were really good and were only 55 calories per wing piece.  It definitely felt like football food, but without the guilt to go along with it.

Also, I made sure I exercised in the afternoon before the game, so that not only would I have more “wiggle room” but also so that there would be some afterburn as well.

If you know you’re going to be facing an obstacle like a holiday or a buffet, so a little planning.   Eat lighter before the event.   Exercise that day.  Make smart decisions.   I managed to have a calorie deficit yesterday of over 900 calories and I still enjoyed the game and ate “fun” food.  It totally can be done with mindfulness and commitment.