Author: Laura

  • Day 32 | Getting Back to It

    I am finally back to 100% strength after the week long bout with the stomach flu.  I didn’t feel “right” all week and my progress suffered.  Emotionally I was not good yesterday. So I did the  only thing I knew would work.  I worked out…hard.  I left it all in the gym.  I am exhausted…

  • Day 31 | Doubts and Sabotage

    As soon as I feel like I’m making progress, I find myself losing motivation and even possibly self-sabotaging my plans.  I may be overreacting, but I’m beginning to wonder just what is it that I’m doing to myself. Yesterday, I realized that I’m a size 14 and am quickly headed towards size 12.  Size 12…

  • Day 30 | Burning the Boats

    I spent some time this morning going through my closet.  I have some older clothes that are a size 14 and I’ve been slowing bringing them out and wearing them again.  Today, however, I went through the size 16s that have been gathering dust and made sure they are really too big to wear.  They…

  • Day 27 | Back to Health

    It was a short stomach bug, so I was back at work yesterday, and back to working out today.  I went to the circuit training class tonight.  I was okay with the weights, but when we ran laps, I had no extra gear to engage. I did not have that extra something to get me…

  • Day 25 | It’s One Way to Lose Weight

    I wasn’t able to run or do much of anything today.  I came down with a bad stomach bug yesterday afternoon.   I spent most of the day on the couch.  But I also wasn’t able to eat or keep food down, so I lost a bit more weight that I would have on a normal…

  • Day 23 | Momentum is Building

    I feel that I’ve reached the point where my body is starting to let go of some of the weight.  I’m right on track for where I’m supposed to be and I couldn’t be happier.    I had thought it was going too slowly but I think I was just being impatient.  I checked today and…

  • Day 21 | Running at Lunch Time

    I did a little experiment today to see if I could walk to the YMCA, get changed, run on the treadmill for 30 minutes, get changed back into work clothes, and walk back to work during my lunch hour.  It was close, with all the snow on the ground making for a challenging walk, I…

  • Day 20 | How Many Days Until It’s a Habit?

    I believe it takes somewhere between 21 and 30 days for behavior to become a habit.  I heard a story once where NASA gave astronauts special glasses that made them see everything upside down.  After 30 days, their brains grew new pathways and they suddenly could see the images right side up.  But if an…

  • Day 18 | Intense Exercise is Getting Easier

    I can’t quite believe it but the extreme circuit training class has gotten a bit easier.   After an hour of grueling jumping, squatting and weight lifting,  I walked towards the locker room and thought “should I steal a few more minutes and do more?”  I quickly dismissed the thought because I’ve been so sore after…

  • Day 16 | Incline Training

    Today I did some hill work.  I slowed down to practically a walk on some of the biggest hills but I kept going.  Incline training is hard.  I’ve heard that for every one percent of increase in incline you expend 4 percent more energy.  Energy = Calories so the more expended, the better. I seem…